
Showing posts from October, 2018

elevator pitch

Hi, Professor Montemurro, It’s Renata from your sociology of gender class. I would like to ask for your help on an ACURA project! Based on your research and work, I thought you would be a perfect fit for it! It is on whether or not LBGTQ+ kids are more susceptible to mental health, and what factors lead to the causation of it.  I would be focused on attempting to research whether its not the factors are based on nurture or nature.


The conventions for this project are   Scholarly Interests 90-Second Elevator Pitches ACURA Proposal Prep   Things that would make this project/presentation good are:   knowledge about the topic creativity good facts and ideas/research


two journals - Discrimination, internalized homophobia, and concealment in sexual minority physical and mental health  Walch, Susan E. ;   Ngamake, Sakkaphat T. ;   Bovornusvakool, Witsinee ;   Walker, Steven V. . - Does sexual identity stress mediate the association between sexual identity and mental health? Sattler, Frank A.; Zeyen, Johanna; Christiansen, Hanna.   part two: -both journals used a survey to conduct the research; both focus on if questioning your sexual identity will cause mental health problems. One focuses on if you hide it will it also effect your health, not only mental but physical too?  - they have similar majors of sexual orientation and mental health; both focus on adulthood (18&up), " Empirical Study,  Quantitative Study" part three: they have similar observations, results, references, statistics, publication titles.  part four: the thing ...

PB2A: 3-5

3. - How does stigmatization of non-heteronormative sexual orientations directly correlate to mental health issues among LGBTQ youth?  -How does someones sexuality grow with them? -How is someones sexuality affected by their  environment? 4. -nature or nurture -sexuality -gender -culture -heteronormative -mental health -psychology 5. - Grant, A., Naish, J., & Zeeman, L. (2016). Depathologising sexualities in mental health services.  Mental Health Practice (2014+),  19 (7), 26. doi: - Sexual Orientation and Mental Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from - Walch, S. E., Ngamake, S. T., Bovornusvakool, W., & Walker, S. V. (2016). Discrimination, internalized homophobia, and concealment in sexual minority physical and mental health.  Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender ...

WP2: 1&2

The discipline I chose was sociology, or more specifically sociology of gender and sexuality. A professor who studies this is Beth Montemurro . Her most recent publications are; "( 2018) Montemurro, Beth and Lisa Chewning. “Unscripted: Exploring Representations of Older Un-Partnered Women’s Sexuality.” Journal of Women and Aging 30 (2)", "( 2018) Montemurro, Beth. "“The Way That I Look at Things [Is] Different Because It’s Me”: Constructing and Deconstructing Narratives about Racialized Sexual Selves." Symbolic Interaction. 41(1): 83-99.", and the one I'm most interested in is, " 2014 Beth Montemurro.  Deserving Desire: Women’s Stories of Sexual Evolution . New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press".  The ones I find most interesting are where people find their sexuality, where it is their desire for it, the possibility of changing it, being comfortable in it; after all sexuality is not just your sexual orientation! (it's how you prese...