
two journals
-Discrimination, internalized homophobia, and concealment in sexual minority physical and mental health 
Walch, Susan E.; Ngamake, Sakkaphat T.; Bovornusvakool, Witsinee; 
Walker, Steven V..
-Does sexual identity stress mediate the association between sexual identity and mental health?

Sattler, Frank A.; Zeyen, Johanna; Christiansen, Hanna. 

part two:

-both journals used a survey to conduct the research; both focus on if questioning your sexual identity will cause mental health problems. One focuses on if you hide it will it also effect your health, not only mental but physical too?
 - they have similar majors of sexual orientation and mental health; both focus on adulthood (18&up), "Empirical Study, Quantitative Study"

part three:
they have similar observations, results, references, statistics, publication titles. 

part four:
the thing that's most important in these to me, is how the people being surveyed feel about themselves, how they identify and how their surroundings make them feel about those. They seem important to me because that is the entirety of the research. 


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