PB1B-Generating Genres

    Genre generators are made to help someone with conventions of a genre. They generate conventions based on your input on the website. Depending on what generator you're using, you will get different kinds of output. There are many different kind of generators out there, and in this I will be talking about 3: Pandyland, Meme Generator, and last but not least, Baroque Creations.

On Pandyland, the website says, "A collection of comics that I have done."
Which tells us that this website is essentially useless and only generates a good laugh. From my experience, only about the same four or five comics kept being generated; which killed the good mood from the funny comics. Also, one was so long, I lost interest about 1/5th of the way down. 

This one was my favorite. 

On Meme Generator, you seem to get more of that "generate" choice. Granted, you have an option of creating one yourself, all the way from what picture you want all the way to the words it says. This website is more of an old fashioned meme: it has a picture and a funny saying or a pun (or an offensive situation, depending on how you look at stuff). On here, you get a wider choice of meme, and if you somehow don't find what you're looking for, you can make it! 

I related to this one quite a bit. 

I believe that I truly, saved the best for last on this one. Baroque Creations was the best genre generator I inspected. It had a clear intention of what it was made for, it was easy to navigate, a cleanish layout, and overall, I had a more pleasant time on here than the others. 

I stopped at this generation because it was the most interesting combination: and, there was a lot.

While Meme Generator was nice, I have to admit, there was a lot going on on the web page.  It is also easy to navigate through, but you also have to search your way around, kind of figure out the site by yourself. Which, if you're looking to quickly help yourself out with something, can be sort of a hassle. I also am not too sure what this generator is for: I doubt any game creator is going to find their groundbreaking idea from a website generator.

Overall, I think someone can gather from these websites that genre is what you make it. If I want to write about comics, then anything I use to make what I believe is a comic, is essentially a comic. I think people can gather that these websites, while great in thought and format, are a waste of time and pointless. None of them really point you in a direction, nor do they actually have any real reason for creation: other than they're just a big scheme to have some fun. 


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